The Explanation
In John 14 -16, Jesus explains to his followers that when he returns to the Father, he will send another helper who will be just like him. This helper will lead, teach, comfort, and guide us in Jesus' physical absence. That helper is the Holy Spirit, part of the Godhead and equal to God the Father and the Son. This means we can welcome the Holy Spirit to be with us as we pray. It's not that God's Spirit comes and goes or leaves us; rather, as we welcome Him into our lives, we open ourselves up to His work.
The Practice
To pray more deeply, follow these steps:
First, be still physically and in your thoughts.
Invite the Holy Spirit to be with you and surrender to Him.
Become aware of the presence of the Holy Spirit within your whole body.
Invite Him to inspire you as you pray.
Ask the Holy Spirit to teach, guide, direct, or correct you.
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