The Explanation

If you are new to faith or simply want to refocus on the life of Jesus, then this practice is for you.

Most of what we know about Jesus’ life on earth is found in the four gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

These cover everything from his miraculous birth and early years to his death on the cross. The gospels are packed with many amazing stories and events in the life of Jesus that we can learn from and put into practice. Each of the gospels is broken down into chapters and verses and often contains headings and subheadings to help you identify the beginning or end of a single story or block of events.

The Practice

  • Choose a place and a time to read (if possible, be consistent with this each day).

  • Take a few minutes in prayer, asking God to speak to you from what you read.

  • Choose which gospel you wish to read; now, choose your passage.

  • Read this passage taking note of any of the words that Jesus said.

  • Slowly reread the passage and consider any key elements that help build the story.

  • Now, meditate on the passage (think it over).

  • Ask yourself the following question: “What do I need to do in response to what I have read?”

You can repeat this practice daily to become familiar with everything that Jesus did for you and humanity.


More Resources

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Read the Bible online at Bible Gateway

Dave Mckeown

Leader, pastor and pioneer. Excited to share my ideas around leadership, productivity and biohacking.